Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is social media and advertising a good combination?

It strikes me that companies are looking to move their advertising to social media but I wonder if it is gonna work or they really need it. I believe that companies do not understand that social media are conversations between people therefore it is not gonna work to try to sell their products in site such as facebook or twitter. A good example is when you're talking to someone and someone approaches you to sell you something, even though the product may be very good you wouldn’t buy because it was very rude the way that was delivery the information. I think that it will happen to those companies seeking to sell their products in these media. The only thing that companies can do using social media is to gather information for market research or to help them to improve their products and performance in order to increase the market share numbers.


  1. I agree at some point, from a social point of view, social networks appear to be destroying the face-to-face relationship, even before that we were facing it with cellphones and mobile devices... as a friend told me once: "with blackberrys we have become more close to our distant friends but more distant with our close friends"...Now in term of business, companies need to interact with social networks because of its high value in terms if users (according to emarketer.com, by 2014, nearly 165 million people will be social networks users and of course large part of that will be driven by teens...

    Quality need to surpass Quantity. A company being in a Social Network doesn't mean that the company will post whatever comes to its mind...customer will get tired of non-value comments and will cut communication with them...

  2. I agree with some of your comments. I also think that social networks are a very important tool for companies when doing market research. It is a trend that is present across different industries.
    On the other hand I think that advertising in social networks has very good results. Companies can reach customers around the world. They have the possibility of advertising for free, or pay for having ads posted. An example is facebook ads, which are becoming more popular. When elaborating the ad, the company can choose the characteristics of the customers they want to reach (age, gender, likes, country, etc.) It is a good way of communicating with the public.

  3. maybe they should make some employees available online in case some people decide to communicate and ask questions about the product (on FB or Twitter), might be very close to the live chat .. but its different in the sense that they would be available when people decide to approach them, when they are on those social media.. but definitely i agree with you, i don't see them imposing themselves and interrupting people to sell them things is the right way!

  4. I totally agree with Landys, I don't believe companies are going to stop using their regular advertising channels and go to online social networks for advertising. This type of advertising could be very positive, or very negative depending on how it is handled. I believe that companies that aren't large enough to have dedicated personnel for their online social networks would generate negative feedback from their customers, because they wouldn't be able to answer all of their concerns, and it is my belief that it is better to not offer a service, than to offer a service and not be able to fulfill it.

  5. In my opinion social media is a great tool to interact with your current and potential costumers. However, this strategy has to be combined with other advertisement strategies to be effective. You cannot rely only in social media. In my blog I have a great article about combining Social Media and E-Mail Marketing Check it out http://jupekrau.blogspot.com/
