Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Are you a good listener?

From the beginning the internet has offered many benefits. The fast access to information and knowledge is one of the great advantages offered by this tool of communication. With services such as messenger, emails, twitter and facebook which allows us to have contact with our family and friends by sharing letters, pictures and videos. But not everything is good in the internet, unfortunately these benefits lead to a major problem, the lack of privacy. Unfortunately many people make mistakes when they are surfing the red compromising their privacy, maybe because they don’t have knowledge or they don’t care.

For many years I have been explaining to my niece Tania what these errors are and how to avoid them and thus she can protect her privacy online, but like any teenager SHE DOESN’T LISTEN TO ME, and now with facebook is worse because each minute she puts information of what she is doing. That's why I'm writing because maybe I could find someone that is a good listener and takes into account these recommendations that I am going to say:

1) Please don’t use the same password in other programs and change it as much as often as possible. A bad example is to put your ID number as password (I know more than one is going to change his or her password today.)

2) Do not say personal information to strangers or if you believe that the network is not protected.

3) Use a browser that has the ability to detect and delete cookies.

4) For any reason don’t answer spam emails.

5) Use programs that help protect and store information on your computer.

6) Use encryption. This program helps you to encode the information sent by internet in order to protect your data. For example, you can use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP, available at: http://www.pgpi.org/) which is available online and is free.

Finally, I hope that the information I have just presented will be used in order to protect your privacy on the internet.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Online Pick Pockets

When I was traveling for Europe in each train station, there was a recommendation saying be aware of the pick pockets. I was worry because I was alone, far away from my home and in a country was neither Spanish nor English were spoken. Therefore, I bought a belly bag in order to secure mi personal stuff such as passport, money and credit card with this bag I felt secure and I enjoyed my trip. But now that I am leaving in a secure place (Miami?) and I don’t need my belly bag I am asking if my credit card information is secure? I don’t think so, because with the internet there is a new type of theft that I name “online pick pocket”. They hack and loot a corporate server in order to obtain the information of buyers’ credit cards, in others words they put their hands inside the pocket of big corporations who have the credit card information.

People think that if they don’t use credit card on the internet they will be safe that’s not true because now all the systems are connected to the internet and the information is available in any part of the world. Remember when you use your credit card in a retail store that information is available for the online pick pockets. Even thought pick pockets exist and will exist; according with Kennneth Laudon Book (E-Commerce 2010) stolen credit card information is around 1.4% of the all online card transactions. For me this percentage will be reduced or at least will be kept in the same level, the main reason is the technology and tools available to protect the internet communications. These tools are:

Authentication , and others.

In my opinion, you should feel safe because internet has its own belly bag. So don’t worry and keep buying stuff in amazon, ebay, or other reliable websites or paying your bills or making online transactions. Finally, I recommend you to buy advertising in this blog I certify that is a secure place.